reuse reduce recycle, save water. do not throw garbage on bodies of water
To show care and concern for water and soil, I will practice water conservation by using it efficiently, avoiding pollution by properly disposing of waste, promoting sustainable agricultural practices to prevent soil erosion, and supporting initiatives that protect water sources and maintain soil health.
I will water them everyday and put them in sunlight...:)
The Spanish word for "care", meaning "to show concern or responsibility" is cuidado, the past participle of the verb cuidar.
Genuinely care about her. Then you won't smother her and you will show your concern and support for her. Love creates love.
You have to show concern to an animal, no matter how big they are,they might need care or else die.
your garbage should be segregated into biodegradable and non- biodegradable garbage.
You can show your concern to others by being honest; loyal and being consistent with the person who has a problem. It is important to realize no one is 100% perfect and therefore sometimes there may be a disagree with a person when you try to help, but you back off and try again depending if that person is a friend or family member. You can tell a person you are sorry to hear they are going through a difficult time and you are a good listener if they would ever want to talk about their problems. If a person is in hospital you could go visit or visit them if they are ill at home. You can volunteer your services at various charities or other organizations.
Take care of her. Show concern. Try to feel it on the inside, and youll see how she reacts to it. she will love it. just show you care for her, although DONT hang around like a puppy dog on a leash. DONT do that. maintain a limit.
How is the current concern over health care delivery related to the growth of the health care profession in this century
Care, concern and control.
It can be "careful" (cautious) or "caring" (showing care or concern).