Genuinely care about her. Then you won't smother her and you will show your concern and support for her. Love creates love.
You can make your wife love you more by buying her gifts and spending more time with her.
yes, laws of the nature will make you love, the more you hate.
You can't "make" anyone love you. Either they do or they don't. You can, however, make them like you more by always being kind, considerate, and nice to them.
Try to make him feel secure, men need that as more as women do.
You cant make someone love you. If you love them and they love you back then fair enough but if they don't love you then get over it. There will be plenty more fish in the sea.
'I love you' usually works :P
Silk more
Girlfriend how to make her love more
You don't. Because you can't. They may love you but they love the drug more. Get them help!!
Make sure you guys have similar likings.Be kind and honest.And dont forget about her when your with your mates.Just remind her of how much your in love with her and she will love you more and more serious.
Try be more nice to him and make him notice you
you can't, they love you as much as they love you, x sorry if you wanted someone to love you, but you can't just make them, sorry . x