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im afraid u cant talk 2 famous people on facebook or be their friends u can only like their page.

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Go to the users channel click on send message.

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You cannot send a private message. If you try to send a message to anyone on WikiAnswers, there is a little caption below the place you can type in that says, "This page isn't private. Although this is for messages to [inset username here], anyone can read what's here." If you want to send a private message, you must do so through e-mail.

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At the moment there is no private message system, but we are looking into revamping Message Boards.

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Because they want to know that you've read the private message but do not want to show the message publically.

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You can send him a PM (Private Message) on his website,

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To send a private message to a friend or someone you know.

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To send a private message to a friend or someone you know.

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Up toward the top right of the persons wall there is "Send Message" - click on the words and it will open.

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There is no way to send a message to Rejeev Khandelwal. Most people keep their email and messengers information private for security reasons.

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You can only send a message and that too the person who follow you. You can however send public messages using the "@" sign or if they are following you use the "D" symbol to send a private direct message.