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Self pleasuring on your period is a matter of how dirty you're willing to get.

If your only need clitoral stimulation, then a finger on the clit with some spit of lube should be easy to get away with without much of a mess.

If you need vaginal stimulation then I can recommend you use a genital soap to wash out your vagina first and then use either your hands or a dildo. Or you could do it in the shower where bleeding isn't a problem.

Only wash out blood from your vagina with genital soap and water if you're really terrified of blood since the vagina generally shouldn't be rinsed. It's self cleaning.

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Q: How do you self pleasure on your period also what is finger popping?
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How do youo finger a girl?

When you finger a girl you just stick your middle finger inside her vagina and start moving it around eigther in circles or in and out, you can add more fingers for her pleasure and she will start getting alot of pleasure and also get wet. ;)

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Yes you can double the pleasure

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Popping back, also known as backfiring.

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Ensure that your hands are clean, and gently remove your finger from the vaginal opening. It's important to always ask for consent and communicate openly with your partner during intimate interactions.

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Honey, that's not a typical request. If your boyfriend is asking you to do that, it's probably because he enjoys it. But let's get one thing straight, you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. Communication is key in any relationship, so have a chat about what you both like and don't be afraid to set some boundaries.

What if you finger youself why your on your period?

It is generally safe to masturbate while on your period. However, it's important to ensure good hygiene by washing your hands before and after, and using a barrier like a glove or finger cot if desired. It can also provide some relief from menstrual cramps.

Is the pee hole the hole where you finger yourself?

No, the pee hole, also known as the urethra, is where urine exits the body. The vaginal opening is where fingers can be inserted for sexual pleasure.

Insertion of a finger into the male rectum to palpate the rectum and prostate?

Inserting a finger into the rectum to palpate rectum and prostate is a procedure to check the prostate gland for enlargement or prostate cancer. Inserting the finger into the rectum to palpate to prostate is also known as prostate milking or prostate massage. This is done to remove the build up of prostatic fluid in the prostate gland, and also for pleasure as a prostate ejaculation can be more intense than a penile ejaculation.

What is the worlds smallest finger?

The little finger, also known as the pinky finger, is the smallest finger on the human hand.

What is major finger?

A major finger, also known as a central finger, is the longest finger on the hand. In human anatomy, it is usually the middle finger.

When you die do you grow an extra finger?

You can grow pretty much anything on anything on an animal on Earth. How would you do this you ask? Stem cells. For Human fingers, just grab some stem cells, program them to grow into a finger, and then pop it on. Of course, "popping it on" is much more complex than it sounds. You would need to go through surgery to attach nerves and blood vessels (your body might also reject the finger entirely). In other words, unless you have a vast fourtune, no. Also, babies can be born with extra fingers because something in their development, which stemcells help program, results in an extra finger.

what does it mean if you can hear your finger joint move?

Hearing your finger joint move could indicate increased friction within the joint, such as from inflammation or wear and tear on cartilage. It can also be due to the release of gas bubbles within the joint, which is normal and not a cause for concern unless accompanied by pain or swelling. If you experience these symptoms, it's best to see a doctor for evaluation.