Yes.Tender breasts and nipples is one of the first signs of pregnancy many women notice after they conceive.
Missed period Tender nipples / breasts sometimes nausea and/or vomiting
you should not have swollen breasts when you get your period, if they feel like they are getting bigger, this is a sign of being pregnant. Your nipples will also get darker in color and your breasts will be tender to the touch.
if you have hardness and tender nipples- then may be pregnant joymaker rn
yes. i have had 4 children and never suffered tender breasts with any of them
Side effects are: * Abdominal cramping * Nausea * Headache * Tiredness * Decrease/Increase in vaginal discharge * Swollen breasts * Tender nipples/breasts
dat s0 hawt
Possibly. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.
If your nipples hurt or you have tender breasts it just means that your boobs are growing and you are getting ready to start your period or have your next period, in other words it is perfectly normal.
Absolutely, this is one of the first signs, they get bigger and more tender.
You may be pregnant, your boobs may be growing.. My breasts hurt after sex sometimes
You may be pregnant, your boobs may be growing.. My breasts hurt after sex sometimes