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Q: How do you put a baby asleep when it just woke up?
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On babydowcom how do you put your baby to bed at night?

Put their pajamas on, scroll over the buton that says REST and click lie down and then off to bed and they are asleep!! Hope this helps!

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You go upstairs and go to the second door. You click on it then you'll see a bed. You click on the bed. Then, you slide the ball left and right until the baby is asleep.

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You could run around until its tired or just dont play with him orher and it will get sleepy

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Put their Bra and Underwear in the freezer(when they are asleep) Put shaving cream in their hand and tickle their face(when asleep) Draw on their face with a washable marker(when they are asleep) hide their clothes and toothbrush(when they are asleep)

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call a doctor IMMEDIATELY make sure he/she is breathing. and put some cold water on his/her forehead

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it put you asleep

What is the first thing and most important thing mom can do to decrease the risk of having a baby die of sids?

Most important is to put the baby on its back to sleep. Also important are not smoking, not putting lots of pillows and things in the cot and not falling asleep with the baby on the sofa etc.

What is the first thing and most important thing a mom can do to decrease the risk of having a baby die of SIDS?

Most important is to put the baby on its back to sleep. Also important are not smoking, not putting lots of pillows and things in the cot and not falling asleep with the baby on the sofa etc.

Is hospitalzation scary?

naw unless its like ur first time cas i was so scared they put me on a bed and got a massive light and shined it in my eyes then they stuck this gas thing on my face and everything went pink and i fell asleep then i woke up and the operation was done