You go upstairs and go to the second door. You click on it then you'll see a bed. You click on the bed. Then, you slide the ball left and right until the baby is asleep.
No not a glitch just a problem ignore it and give the baby some thing else and it will get agitated. Yes and if you want either put the baby to sleep or just wait until the mom comes for her. This is the most annoying playdate there is but it will pass.
Hi, I have the Nintendo ds game 'Imagine Babies' and to feed the baby that you are caring for you have to: click on the door in your house which leads to the kitchen. Once you are in the kitchen you have to click on the fridge. It will tell you what to do ...... I think. How you actually put the food into the Babie's mouth is this: You make the spoon above the babie's head go through the trail also above the babie's head. But don't go over the lines or you will have to start again. After you have made it go through take the spoon out of the jar and place it inside the babie's mouth.
There are no items that can put Pokemon to sleep, only moves like hypnosis and sleep powder.
Nintendogs Animal Crossing Imagine Fashion Designer Imagine Figure Skater Imagine Interior designer Imagine Baby sitter Imagine Babies Drawn to life Lego Starwars Lego Indiana Jones Super Mario Brothers Mario Kart Mario and Sonic Games Super Mario Diddy Kong Racing Cooking Mama Cooking Mama2 Theme park Pokemon Guitar Hero Pet Vet Sims Brain Age Cars Over the Hedge .... just to name a few or put in in the question box put list of Nintendo ds games
you put a bed into your house. then, go to your house and click on the bed. a thing should pop up where you can select which pet you want to put to sleep.
first undress the baby. Then remove the dirty diaper and then wipe the area. Then put the new one on and put back on the clothes
No not a glitch just a problem ignore it and give the baby some thing else and it will get agitated. Yes and if you want either put the baby to sleep or just wait until the mom comes for her. This is the most annoying playdate there is but it will pass.
Hi, I have the Nintendo ds game 'Imagine Babies' and to feed the baby that you are caring for you have to: click on the door in your house which leads to the kitchen. Once you are in the kitchen you have to click on the fridge. It will tell you what to do ...... I think. How you actually put the food into the Babie's mouth is this: You make the spoon above the babie's head go through the trail also above the babie's head. But don't go over the lines or you will have to start again. After you have made it go through take the spoon out of the jar and place it inside the babie's mouth.
The best item of clothing to put your baby in, when you to put it to sleep, is an all in one baby grow. The baby should also be wearing a clean diaper.
put it on Uranus 's orbit
The mother's lilt voice put the baby to sleep.
You can swaddle your baby and rock your baby, you can sing to your baby, you can put them in there crib and give them a bottle! Hope one of those help!
Look on another site more answers x Lilliemae2008 you take the baby to the bedroom click on the cot and rock the purple ball gently but dont go to fast and dont go too slow make sure you pace your speed to get it to sleep!! Hope i Helped! ^_^ Go to the chair next to the crib and rock the baby after this put the baby in the crib and steadily rock it from side to side. hope I helped!!!
Rock ti
Establishing a bedtime routine, creating a calm sleep environment, using soothing techniques like rocking or gentle music, and ensuring the baby is well-fed and comfortable can help parents put a 9-month-old baby to sleep effectively.
Every one is different so just keep trying combinations. Eventually, you will find it and your baby will have a sound night sleep. Hope I helped.