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Fresh air and exercise usually helps. I was told to eat an apple, and have tried eating an apple vs a cup of coffee. The apple did help keep me awake.

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Q: How do you prevent yourself from falling asleep?
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Is it possible to catch yourself falling asleep?

Well, have you ever been in class and felt real drowsy and started to fall asleep? Then right before you do, your body kinda jerks and you catch yourself.

I had an amazing dream and I want to have it again. How can I do that Is it possible?

Yes. No guarantees, but you can give yourself an instruction to have that dream. "I will dream about ..... tonight." Then focus on the dream before falling asleep, particularly in the in-between state just before falling asleep.

What is something you do by instinct?

Breath, blink, prevent yourself from falling (trying to lighten the fall)

What is the difference between falling asleep and being put to sleep?

Falling asleep: voluntary Being put to sleep: involuntary

Name something you do to keep yourself from falling asleep at work?

drink coffee/soda, walk around, listen to music, talk to someone


Bodies have a cutout function to prevent us from acting out on our dreams as we sleep. Sometimes it isn't entirely smooth when this function takes charge, and we experience a jolt as we fall asleep.

How do you prevent yourself from falling for your ex?

find a new boyfriend or girlfriend to stop you thinking about them ( your ex )

What is educational management?

falling asleep

What is antonym of alarm?

lalaby would be the most resonable antonym. This is because an alarm is used to wake yourself up and lalabys are used for falling asleep.

When making a long trip you should stop and rest?

If you are driving on a long journey alone, frequent short stops will help prevent you from falling asleep at the wheel.

Why do you forget falling asleep the past night?

People aren't concious when they're asleep.

How many drivers have admitted to falling asleep at the wheel?

They're asleep, don't wake them!