breaking it up into small bits makes the smoke smoother and assures that you smoke it completely, using a grinder gets it to a really nice size, if you're gonna roll a joint, the smaller the bits, the easier it is to roll. for best quality, picture 2 tic-tacs, a little bigger is perfectly fine, and picture about 3 tic tacs of average weed per person to get a nice high, depending on how you smoke it, smoking it out of a pipe wastes less weed, joints or blunts take more
while being high, can marijuana make you loose control?
you dont smoke it
Not smoke
Why are you asking this? Do you smoke marijuana?
Yes. Keep your picc covered and make sure to wash your hands.
Smoking marijuana will have no effect on weather or not your urination stays regulated.
Consuming products containing THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, will make you test positive for marijuana in drug tests. This includes smoking marijuana, consuming edibles or oils containing THC, or being exposed to secondhand smoke in a confined space.
Technically no. it's a reaction to the inhalation of smoke in general. Wether it's weed smoke, tobacco smoke, wood smoke or anything, it will make you cough if you inhale enough of it.
yes, can second hand smoke give you cancer? That answer is yes too.
No it will make your infection worse, and besides it is illegal you know, or (at least I hope)
Marijuana alters your state of mind.The THC found in marijuana has been found to make everything better. If your broke,missing a leg or just good old fashend baby mama dramma scitencts have found that by inhaling marijuana smoke it will make everything better .
no but i dont think its smart to smoke it during your period or ever anyway