Good luck, women can keep a grudge. but it will pass over time but she'll always remember, and shell make sure you know she still remembers
if its your fault... say sorry and make it up to him... doesnt matter how you make it up.. if my girlfriend messed up or we got in a fight and she did nething to make it up like by me something or give me somthin ^_^ then i would talk to her bout it and how we need to change things so it doesnt happen again...
its normal if her rectumns extremely wide. just dont make her sneeze.
it dependes who he is if hi does it again i would ask him on a date p.s. make shore he dose not have a girlfriend!
If it is only to practice until you get a boyfriend/girlfriend then yea
Not really. But, it isn't unheard of.
If this boy has a girlfriend, you need to respect that he chose her. You can continue to be a good friend to him, but you can save the schemes to make him mad for you until he is single again.
There isn't really a "normal" age. You can get a girlfriend at any age. However, in my opinion-depending on your particular age- you shouldn't have one until you really understand what it takes to make a relationship work.
My exs are in my life! Talk to them make sure they no you don't wanna be there girlfriend and dont get so touchie it wount work he will probably forget you! Avt normal dont get horny
Tell you lies, then say you'll be honest, make you feel special, scare you, say you will never do it again, hurt you, say you never do it again, tell you lies, scare you, say you never do it again. this is really messed up.
Probably. The right thing for him to do is to tell the truth. This will make you like him even more.
plastic surgery or if ur faced is messed up during an accident or something they try to make it look as normal as possible but there usually are some scars