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if its your fault... say sorry and make it up to him... doesnt matter how you make it up.. if my girlfriend messed up or we got in a fight and she did nething to make it up like by me something or give me somthin ^_^ then i would talk to her bout it and how we need to change things so it doesnt happen again...

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Q: How do you talk to your boyfriend after a fight?
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you fight... try and talk it out and solve the problems

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Then you shouldn't talk to him. If you keep begging him to talk to you, then he will enjoy your pity and suffering. If he doesn't talk to you soon, maybe he just doesn't like you.

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if the guy doesn't want to talk about the fight or doesn't care well that's just how boys are they don't want to relive the fight because they feel bad about it already so don't stress about it

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Talk to her, the thing that she needs most now is a friend's company. Once she become more stable try and work out the problem with her boyfriend.

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Talk to him the way you would talk to a friend. After all, he is you boyFRIEND.

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by telling the guy that's going to fight your boyfriend that its not worth the fight.

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say your soz and dat u dnt wanna fight any more

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It would be best that you do not converse if you don't actually have to. Keep your distance and move on.

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1st Rule: You do not talk about Fight Club .

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Make efforts to become better than her boyfriend, and she will talk about you to her ex-boyfriend.