You don't. The reason law enforcement doesn't have this technology is that there's no safe way to make this work for humans. And to be honest, it's often fatal with animals as well.
It's just not easy to render mammals unconscious or "tranquil" without risking killing them.
Depending upon which tranquilizer and how much is contained in the dart - you could be rendered unconcious or comatose or killed.
Tranquilizer gun. It shoots a hypodermic neddle that injects a tranquilizer into the animal.
When an animal escapes or when you set it loose you can go to the dart pic in the right hand corner when it is blinking. Then right-click an shoot the animal by leftmouseclick
They look like a single shot shotgun- since they are made by a company that MAKES single shot shotguns. The tranquilzer dart is about as big as your finger.
No, you can only craft, find or buy the dart gun in Fallout 3.
Yes because it is technically a gun
21. You also need to be a veterinary or law enforcement officer to have the tranquilizer darts.
Nerf did not make a blow-gun but other companies have made dart-launching blow-guns, such as Buzz Bee's Pop Shot and Blow Dart Shooter.
Removing the Air restrictor in a Nerf/Buzzbee gun increses the amount of air force able to use to push out the dart further and therefore make the gun more powerful.
the Nerf dart gun
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