When an animal escapes or when you set it loose you can go to the dart pic in the right hand corner when it is blinking. Then right-click an shoot the animal by leftmouseclick
To shoot a paintball gun in Roblox, simply point to where you want to shoot at and click the left button of your mouse or trackpad.
Its real easy ... 1. You go home to Vinnie's friend the man that can upgrade your weapons. 2. You walk into the room he is in ... ( second room in the house) 3. After the conversation you press the gun laying on the table next to him (That's the tranquiliser gun) 4. You go to the town hall and shoot down everyone in your way till you get to the mayor... (Sorry for bad spelling)
You have to defeat "The End" (Sniper) by tranquilizing him with your tranquilizer hand gun and stun grenades.
http://rct3.sourceforge.net/tutorials/beginner_tutorial.html^^ read that tutorial ^^
Once you beat the beauties in their big 'suits' and you have to re-kill them in normal form use a gun that uses tranquilizer rounds to knock them out
Tranquilizer gun. It shoots a hypodermic neddle that injects a tranquilizer into the animal.
Yes because it is technically a gun
21. You also need to be a veterinary or law enforcement officer to have the tranquilizer darts.
Depending upon which tranquilizer and how much is contained in the dart - you could be rendered unconcious or comatose or killed.
is rob van dam in wwe 2k14
Vet supply stores or rancher supply stores.
Knife is to Stab, as Gun is to Shoot.
i think you are talking about feathered tranquilizer darts
you get a gun and shoot people you get a gun and shoot people
To shoot a paintball gun in Roblox, simply point to where you want to shoot at and click the left button of your mouse or trackpad.
This is a slang term for a tranquilizer gun. Tranquilizer guns are usually air-powered and fire syringes filled with sedative that release their contents upon striking the target. Tranquilizer guns are used by animal control officers, scientists, zookeepers and veterinary doctors to put large or dangerous animals to sleep in order to examine them, relocate them or administer medical treatment.