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Having sex will not ruin your health unless you get a STD. Just eat healthy and exercise.

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Q: How do you maintain health after sex and be fit?
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1. Medication 2. Sex be that good good 109876543210 HA

How can you maintain your mentally fit?

to maintain your mentally fit is that to eat from everything little not too much

How can you increase your health?

I don't know about increasing your health but you can maintain your health by not eating too much of one group of food, and little of other groups of food. You can also keep fit by exercising at least thee times a week.

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This is a way of elliptical workout to keep our body fit and well care for and maintain good health we can differentiate with an elliptical machine or a gym.

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Yes sex is good for your health it is a great exercise from constant moving and sweating

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Aerobic exercise can be common when our body needs to stay fit and perform them properly because they help us to maintain a healthy body and good health.

How do you maintained a good health?

You can maintain good health by:* keeping fit and active * eating your five a day (especially if youre over 16) have a look at the link ive attatched, i hope you find it useful :

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What are some things that I can do to maintain prostate health?

Recent studies suggest that coffee is beneficial to prostate health, as well as consuming foods with Omega-3 fats, like salmon. Maintaining a regular sex life can also have benefits for prostate health as well. Finally, make sure you have regular check-ups.

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to maintain a comprehensive health record system