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Q: How do you maintain a good reputation?
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Yes they maintain a good reputation, and I know amny people who use them and say they are effective.

What is the meaning of I have got a reputation unlike you?

I have got a (good or bad) reputation and you have not got a (good or bad) reputation.

Does p and o ferries have a good reputation?

A very good reputation.

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What are the smart objectives for KFC?

The smart objectives for KFC are to provide quality foods to their customers, increase profits, and to maintain the reputation of the company by providing good service.

Does a poodle have a good or bad reputation?

a bad reputation

What is Larry Ellison's reputation as a leader?

Determined to maintain the company's growth, Ellison developed a reputation for pushing his employees extremely hard.

Who has a reputation for making good fitting dentures?

Who has a reputation for making good fitting dentures?

How does reputation psychologically shape your behavior?

Since your reputation is meritorious, just maintain it, and take it as a prize, and so, psychologically it acts as a beneficial fact.

How do you use reputation in a sentence?

This boy and a good reputation in school.

Is it a bad thing when people say your reputation proceeds you?

Sometimes. It depends on your reputation. If your reputation is good and it proceeds you then it's a good thing. If your reputation is bad and everyone hears about it, it is probably a bad thing.

Which appliances stores have the best reputation for good customer service?

Sears is a store which sells appliances and has a reputation for having good customer service. Home Depot also has a good reputation.