Sometimes. It depends on your reputation. If your reputation is good and it proceeds you then it's a good thing. If your reputation is bad and everyone hears about it, it is probably a bad thing.
It means that you have a reputation and that people know all about you (as far as your reputation goes) before they meet you. If you were to meet Hitler or Mother Theresa you would have a good idea what to expect. If your reputation is good then its a good thing. If your reputation is bad (and the expression is usually used in connection with bad reputations) then it is a bad thing.
The Illigal immigrants, bad economy and the bad reputation
a bad reputation
Because you stink and people will call you a dirt!
A bad teen reputation can be many of things. Like the way people look at and talk about you depending on the way you dress, act, talk and how you do things.
it can affect you because it's how people look at you and if you have a bad rep people wont want to be around you.
A person of ill repute has a bad reputation.
I have got a (good or bad) reputation and you have not got a (good or bad) reputation.
If you have a bad reputation that people don't like, the best way to handle it is try and change your reputation. For example, if the bad rep is about being rude to others, try to be kinder to people. Eventually people will start to notice the change and welcome you more. If you're unsure what you have a bad rep, look at yourself. See if there's something you're unhappy with that you could make better, then change for you.
on a horse yes haking into someones account on a site is bad and is bad for you reputation it is a cyber crime. it detructs many of lives
The duration of Bad Reputation - film - is 1.5 hours.
One can get a bad reputation with their bank if they have financial problems or debts. A bad reputation makes it hard to get loans or mortgages, or even a credit card.