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In the same way you know anything, you test it.

You're tested in school all the time so people can see how much you learned. Your doctor tests you in a number of different areas to see how your body is reacting and if you're ill.

If you want to know if he likes you do this:

Gauge his reaction when saying hello to him. This will take at least 10 trials. Preferably you should also do this with lots of other people around, like a hall.

If the majority of the times, when others are around, and you say hello, he notices you and smiles, then he most likely likes you. :)






I'm a guy and I'm 33, so I could give a few tips.


1. Testing annoys people something awful. I a past relationship, when I discovered I was being tested, I felt like a commercial product, so I ended it quickly. When emotional matters are involved, testing can backfire in a very ugly way. The advice above is dangerous if you don't want the risk of making him angry and avoiding you. Although a compliment for some, showing that you are honestly interested but playing it safe, for most guys testing is downright offensive.


2. The second advice is sound. However, you have not specified in which way you want him to like you. If all you want is to be noticed by him and have him around, then gauging his immediate, instinctive reaction, is all you need.


3. However: as relationships evolve, since humans are complex beings, things get a bit more complicated.


For just a high school romance, there are no real hassles. It's all about spending time, getting aggravated on small matters because of the psycho-emotional intensity generated by the sexual development hormones, sharing a lot of physical affection, some erotism and some sexual exploration.

In any case, such relationships are strictly regulated by the maturity level of both partners, therefore it's a matter of mentality that decides if it's going to last or not.

But, in most cases, such relationships are learning experiences and, even if they do bring heartache at times, there's no point in wasting time and tears if they do not work out in the end.


The MOST important thing of all is to take one step back at the very beginning and analyze the person you are about to get involved with extremely thoroughly, to avoid becoming involved with someone that ends up hurting you or changing your future in a bad way.

But that's basically all there is about passing romances.


If it's about something meant to last, there's only ONE way to go about it:


Guys will Always try to get further with someone they like. Always. Only guys who like guys won't ever try anything. How fast will it happen depends only on how much he likes you. The more - the faster. Therefore:


the best way to go about it is to include him in your circle of friends and just spend time, hang out, have fun, more time is better, thus giving him time to discover you as a person, not just as a sexy love partner


Two reasons for this:


a. when a guy discovers the person inside, he becomes emotionally involved, so the relationship, even if not sexual at the moment, passes beyond simple attraction. (which we all know is a very unstable foundation to build something lasting on).


b. the more time he spends having you in his life, the more he will feel an empty place if you are not there. This way, he will end up not only liking you, but also NEEDING you.


Most Common Mistake: giving in to your desires too early, before you have become an important person to him.


And now, I will properly write the ancient secret of the truly successful relationships. Read, understand, apply, never stray:



RESPECT, Friendship, emotional love, sex.

Second, as the Spice Girls song said:

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends,

Make it last forever, friendship never ends. "

Romance has it's ups and downs, but true friends work it out and remain together, even if only as friends, no matter what.

So, what's the problem? This is:


Nobody wants to be alone in a relationship!

It defeats the very purpose of a relationship!




You're not a servant, you must assert your rights, but you are part of a couple, and couples make decisions by discussing as much as necessary and agreeing upon things, even upon disagreeing.

It is not about being controlled, it is about involving the other one, not leaving them out.

Finally, you can ultimately make your own decision, but the very fact that you made all your best efforts to agree upon it will keep that mirror intact.


And sex.

There's a good saying around my part of the world:


"The ONLY difference between a lady and a tramp is that nobody hears about what a lady does in her intimate moments."


And, as I said before, the only difference between right or wrong in sex is not making someone suffer, not hurting someone.

If it does not hurt (*suffering), anything goes. ANYTHING.

In the end, it all depends on what the two partners enjoy, or might genuinely enjoy if they give it a try. All that is not enjoyable to both of them can be dismissed without regret. There are no obligations in a healthy sexual relationship.


These two being seriously considered, as long as he's a discrete partner and is careful about not making you suffer, please, by all means, have lots and lots and lots and lots of sex.


The old adage goes: "those who play together stay together".


Now, partners sometimes have that god-awful habit of refusing sex, for many reasons.

Listen closely: the only reason to refuse sex with the one you honestly call your partner is if you are medically unable to have sex.


And the only other possibility is to explain to your partner clearly what they have done and what effect that had on you when they wronged you and you can not enjoy having sex with him or her because of it. (there's a cruel trick here: if they still insist even if you clearly explain why you can not enjoy sex this time, and they still insist, they have just clearly proven that they do not respect you; number one rule broken; bye-bye baby !)


Aside from these two, very clear circumstances, if you value the other one, than she or he is your first priority, except when your children are involved, and nothing else can be allowed to take precedence.


Of course, there is the law of common sense. No mentally healthy partner can ask you to do something as illogical as having intercourse in your boss's office while the boss is still there. There are limits.

But, when common sense has been observed, there are no other real limits.


If you feel prudish about sex, I have only one question as an argument:

"how come that there are people on earth today, and so many to boot ?"


Obviously, if you are a virgin, different rules apply, since your first sexual experience will change and define the rest of your sexual and emotional life as a human being.



Now, why did I write all these that appear to be blatantly off-topic?


Well, they're not off-topic. Here's why:

A guy either wants a one-night-stand or a relationship and, in the second case, he will, inadvertently think of, or intend the things that a relationship is made of.


In simple words: he will get in the relationship mindset.


Therefore, when interacting with you, he will behave accordingly to his specific mentality regarding relationships in particular and women in general. That is because he has a relationship in mind when talking to you.


So, how was all the previous on-topic?


Simple. If you simply observe and analyze his behavior, you will be able to see if he is the kind of guy that respects the principles described above.


Under those principles (and that gets us circling back to your initial question) a guy that likes you will simply attempt to spend as much time as possible for him in your presence.


That's the real trick.


When we honestly like someone, we are drawn to share the same air with them, even just as acquaintances. We need to enjoy seeing them.


From this point, it should be pretty easy for you to assess if he tries to spend more time around you or if he just happens to be in the same area.


It doesn't matter how subtle or sparse his actions are, is there intention ?


This answers your question.


There's a clear difference between liking someone and just thinking they're nice or something.


Yes, you could still ask: then why all those details ??


Because relationships are things of the heart (emotional persona) and the heart works with feelings, not logical information, therefore I wrote all these to subtly hint the right feeling, this way you can recognize the specific feeling when you encounter it.


All this text works together as a whole.


I could have just said : If he has any initiative, of any kind, opposite from just being there for other reasons, then yes, he likes you.


Which would be correct.


But, since humans are complex beings, it takes a lot to depict a sensation to the soul.


And, in the end, and really off-topic this time, the principle of making him a friend first and lover second is one of the best protections against being fooled that you'll ever have. At the very least, even if he does mess your life up, you were quite aware of what you were getting yourself into.

That's why it's always best to take your time. Keep him close, but don't let him get his way. If he's really interested, he'll have quite a lot of patience, believe you me.

If not, it's either about taking advantage of you or just an adventure.



As far as promiscuity goes, the distinction is clear:

When you're not involved with someone, do all that feels right. When you are in a relationship, stick with your partner. And make a point of keeping this distinction clear for you and the ones around you.

If you're no longer satisfied with your current partner, do the proper thing: break up with him, both officially and unofficially and go for the next one, or go crazy and have all the fun you want.


If you are known for being genuinely faithful when in a couple, no matter how much of a wild party girl you are outside a relationship, no one in the right mind can or has the right to judge you. And none of the people that are in the habit of thinking before speaking ever will. All the rest... [SELF CENSORED] !


That's all there is to it: keep it clean.


Only cheaters and people without dignity are seen as tramps.




This was Fell X of Tulcea , Romania.


All the best to you !!

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what the !@#$ you are a @#%$ing noob

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