He will let you know. If he is being nice then you would know the difference between being nice and liking you. Pay attention to how he treat people who he is being nice to and compare it to the way he is treating you. If the boy really likes you, he will give you signs and let you know just maybe not so soon.
You will know if a guy likes you and he isn't just being nice by the way he acts when he is around you. He will do all that he can to impress you and will make every possible effort to be in your company.
what the !@#$ you are a @#%$ing noob
If she likes you then she will look at you alot and smile. She will talk to you alot and she will laugh at all your jokes even the lame ones.
Well if he is flirting with you then he likes you.
well if he stares at u says rude comments he says things about u to other people and thats how u know a guy likes u or not
If she says yes shes either somewhat interested in you or is just being a nice friend.
Just be honest. Be nice and tell her how you feel.
Chances are that he likes ya.. i know because i used to do that too...
Just ask her. She wont feel awkward she will be bound to tell you. If she does than you have a new admirer
It depends on what he gets them No matter what though, he is being nice.. but it could be mixed with other feeling such as he feels bad for them, or if he likes them and wants to be more than friends.
Most likely he likes you. If he was just trying to be nice he would say things like, " Um I like you and all, but, um maybe we should be just friends." or I'm not looking to be in a relationship right know, but when I want to be I will let you know."