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water absorption form where.

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Q: How do you increase water absorbtion?
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What is imbibition?

Absorbtion, generally of water, and usually by plants.

Primary region of food and water absorbtion?

small intestine

Absorbtion of water by plant is an example of?

Absorption of water by plants is a form of diffusion called osmosis.

How is salt altered?

Salt is stable; but absorbtion of water transform sodium chloride into a solution.

Why can plants withstand the increased amount of water that may flow inside their cells?

Because plants have a higher absorbtion rate of water

How can you limit run-off?

you can limit runoff by not wasting water like conserve the water that you don't use

What is the function of the prop roots?

the function of the prop root is achor the plant to the ground & absorb water

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Less reflection, more absorbtion. More absorbtion, greater efficiency.

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What is the opposite of laxative?

absorbtion Cork antidiarrhoeal

What moniters how much water is in the blood?

A hormone called ADH harmone. This harmone is secreted by Pituitary gland and it controls the absorbtion of water in the renal tubules of kidney. When water is difficient, more ADH is secreted and vise versa

The thermosphere is characterized by a drastic increase in temperature What is the reason for this increase?

The increase in temperature in the thermosphere is primarily due to the absorption of high-energy solar radiation by the few gas molecules present in this layer. While the density of gas molecules is extremely low in the thermosphere, the absorbed solar energy leads to a significant increase in temperature.