you can limit runoff by not wasting water like conserve the water that you don't use
Runoff is water that flows over the ground surface. Snowmelt runoff is runoff from melting snow.
Runoff from rain and runoff from melting snow (which is NOT the same as glacial runoff).
New construction allowed runoff from hillsides which flooded basements in nearby homes.Runoff naturally seeks a path of least resistance.Continual runoff can undermine hills, leading to mudslides and ground failures.
runoff caused by construction working
acid rain comes from chemicals in the clouds, not runoff there is no "car runoff" runoff is from the slanted ground into water bodies
There are no stromwatrer runoff problems in Arizona, but there are stormwater runoff problems
The two types of runoff are surface runoff, which occurs when water flows over the ground surface, and subsurface runoff, which occurs when water moves underground through soil and rock layers.
no surface runoff is not
you cant get a runoff by occurring huge rainstorn
Any election with a tie in the vote is a runoff.
Dams and water-control floodgates to control sudden surges in runoff from torrential rainstorms.