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Q: How do you help someone who is throwing up and is dizzy?
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Does dizzy spells have anything to do with throwing up mucous?

If you have a sinus infection that will make you throw up mucous and it can mess with your equilibrium and make you dizzy

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How do you help your mom stop throwing up?

The way to stop your mom throwing up is to make her think of ice.

How can you tell if im pregnaunt?

if your bubs grow,you start throwing up out of the nowhere,your waist gets bigger,your stomach gets bigger,you get dizzy etc.

How can you help your throwing up mother?

give her a trash can

What does it mean if you feel like throwing up and you are dizzy cold and your looking pale?

It means that ur period is coming soon or if it hasnt started u have pms

Is there such a thing as testaphobia?

testophobia is a fear of taking tests so things to look for are, being sick,throwing up, or feeling dizzy.

Can passing out make you throw up?

yes it can i look it up it said being dizzy sweating heartbeat faster nausea and some people may end up throwing up i did once that was after all that i was fine

When was Dizzy Up the Girl created?

Dizzy Up the Girl was created on 1998-09-22.

Why did Harriet Tubman have seizures?

An angry overseer tried throwing a weight thing at a field hand because he wouldn't help tie someone up and it feel short and hit harriet in the head

What do I do if my best friend is being bullied to the point where she feels like she has no reason to be in this world and shes throwing up every night and crying and she doesn't understand why?

Help her by telling someone in authority and if they don't help out the situation tell the police or call child line to help her and get her to a counseller