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yes it can i look it up it said being dizzy sweating heartbeat faster nausea and some people may end up throwing up i did once that was after all that i was fine

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Q: Can passing out make you throw up?
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Some people will throw up when they are dying. This just depends on how their body handles the process of passing away.

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Yes, consuming hydrogen peroxide can cause vomiting, as it is a corrosive substance that can irritate the stomach lining. It can also lead to more serious health complications if ingested. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if someone has ingested hydrogen peroxide.

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by scaring it. the snake will throw up what it just ate

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you can not

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idk but i know how you can make yourself throw up. Well you can look at something gross or you can make yourself sick.

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I don't know if this will make you throw up, but I don't advise you to try. Really, don't.

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Throw up. If you think you are ODing off of tripple cs and you arent throwing up, make yourself throw up. If you dont throw up you WILL die.

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Not usually, no.

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not from what i hear but can make u throw up so be prepaired with a pot incase u throw up

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It varies from people to people. There are transsexuals who have good genes for passing as a woman even without a make up, and there are those ones who need to put on lots of make-up to for passing.