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Q: How do you grow taller than your genes?
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What makes girls taller than girls older then them?

People grow at different rates. And every person has a different max height. Girls that are younger than you who are taller simply have taller genes in them.

What foods and drinks that can possibly make you grow taller?

You're not going to get any taller than your genes dictate. However, if you eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise and are as healthy as you can be, you'll probably grow to that maximum height.

If your still growing how do you grow taller?

You can't grow taller than what your DNA determines.

Can people grow taller than eight feet.?

yes it is possible for people to grow taller than 8 feet.

Im 17 and I asked my doctor about grow taller for idiots he said it's a scam your height come from your genes .but my friends did the program and it WORKED for them in less than 2 months is it true?

Your genes do control your height. Your doctor is correct. Most likely, your friends were going to grow taller anyway and they grew those biologically-determined inches after they tried the system you mentioned.

What kind of ways can make you taller?

There is nothing truly proven to make you taller and it mostly depends on your genes. Although during puberty if you eat well and exercise you may grow more than you would of you sat at home and did nothing.

If you are 16 and already taller than your parents can you grow taller?

It depends upon genetics. Some people will grow again taller and some will stop growing.

Can you be taller than your mother and father?

Yes. Any number of reasons might have caused your parents to grow less tall than they might have; nutrition or environmental factors, for example. or your parents might have had a mix of genes for tall and short, and you got the "tall" genes from both your mother and father.

How do you know that plants grow?

You know when they are taller than they were!

Why is your sister older than you but she's short?

It has to do with her genes, and her growth spurt. I may be taller than my older brother and almost taller than my mom, but that's because my dad is tall.

Do sons typically grow taller than their fathers?

Yes, sons typically grow taller than their fathers due to genetic factors and improved nutrition and healthcare.

Is it possible to grow taller than your parents?

Yes, it is possible to grow taller than your parents due to a combination of genetics, nutrition, and other factors that can influence your height.