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you use hot water to pass there lol yh pass there

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Q: How do you get rid of swelling on your cheekbone?
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Related questions

Can you shatter a cheekbone?

A strong force, such as a blunt trauma or impact, can fracture or break a cheekbone. This can cause pain, swelling, bruising, and sometimes difficulty moving the jaw. If you suspect a cheekbone fracture, it's important to seek medical attention for proper evaluation and treatment.

What can you do to get rid of swelling on the lip?

Try using ice

How do you get rid of swelling in the forehead?

Apply an ice pack.

What does it feel like to be punched on the cheekbone just under the eye?

it hurts on the cheekbone under the eye.

What is the Hebrew word for cheekbone?

Cheekbone or cheek = lekhi (לכי) Cheekbones or cheeks = lekhayayim (לכיים)

How do you get rid of swelling from arthritis hand?

By finding an appropriate anti inflamatory.

How can you get rid of swelling pain under your ears?

use of inflammatory drugs

How do you get rid of child's lump on forehead from hitting table?

you cannot get rid of bruseing if there is any, but to get rid of swelling, ice. you let it heal with time and you ice the head

What is Lanosil used for?

Lanosil is typically used as a treatment for fungal infections of the skin, such as athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm. It contains an antifungal agent that helps to kill the fungus and relieve associated symptoms like itching, redness, and irritation. It is usually applied directly to the affected area as a cream or ointment.

Why do great white sharks defecate?

Anything that eats has to have some way to get rid of the parts of the food that they can't digest. That's what gets turned into poo. If they couldn't get rid of that, they'd have to keep swelling and swelling. Wouldn't work.

Which bone is the zygomatic bone?


What is the name for the cheekbone?

zygoma (plural zygomata)