Try an over the counter product to help stimulate saliva production. One option, which is great for both daytime and overnight use, is OraCoat XyliMelts oral adhering discs.
why do morphine give me dry mouth
A person may get dry mouth from smoking crack. People also get dry mouth from smoking a lot of Marijuana.
treatment of dry mouth involves the management of the condition causing it. If dry mouth is caused by medication, the medication should be changed. If dry mouth is caused by blockage of the salivary ducts, the cause of the blockage should be investigated
Treating dry mouth depends on the condition that is causing it. Generally, dry mouth treatment consists of managing the medical condition causing the dry mouth, increasing saliva flow and preventing tooth decay.Further info can be found at the link
the cause of dry mouth could be a couple different things. One if you have alot of fillings then that could cause dry mouth so gum will help but not take it away. Also if you are dehydrated you could have dry mouth. Drink plenty of water and that could help with the dry mouth. Hope this helps.
If dry mouth is caused by medication, the medication should be changed. If dry mouth is caused by blockage of the salivary ducts, the cause of the blockage should be investigated.
Medications with anticholinergic effects can cause dry eyes, dry mouth, and difficult urination or defecation.
Close your mouth when you sleep
xerostomia, lit. dry mouth condition from xero- meaning "dry" + -stom- meaning "mouth or opening" + -ia meaning "condition". [For memory association purposes for -xero-, Xerox is a dry ink printing technique.]
Salt Water
To get rid of dry winter itch, put on thick lotion after you shower or bathe to lock in the moisture