

Best Answer

Drink lots of water, eat well, and use aloe vera lotion or gel to help the pain. ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, or acetaminophen can also be taken if the pain is very bad.

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Q: How do you get rid of a suburn?
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well if you get to much you can certainly get skin cancer other wise you just have sunburn . but when you get into the age of 20-30 you will have some wrinkles were the location of your sunburn was

Will aloe vera facial cream help a sunburn?

Yes anything with aloe vera should help suburn. It just needs to have aloe vera in it. Some things work better then others do. It might take awhile too.

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If your suburn starts to peel off?

Use Noxzema and ice on the burn. The peeling is normal for a sunburn, the damaged layers of skin will peel off. It is very important to use sunscreen whenever you are outside, even on cool days the sun can damage your skin. This can cause you to have wrinkles earlier and can even lead to skin cancer.

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well it depends what you meen by getting rid of games is it to get rid of mini games or is it to get rid of the game? to get rid of mini games just stop playing them and to get rid of the game just go to say best buy or gamestop and they will take it gladly you may not get alot but you get money and you get rid of it.

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get rid of the person that gives you them