she had to be admitted to hospital to cure her intense migrain
Yes, You can play with a migrain headache, but it will be very painfull. When you have a migrain you have: * A huge headache. * It makes you throw up. If you think you can put up with that then, your awners is yes, you can play sport with a migrain.
You cannot get rid of a bad egg. The game will treat the bad egg as a real egg and will not let you get rid of it. So the only way to get rid of it is to delete your game and to start over.
That would be the migrain.
If you have a bad egg, your game card is finished, you can never get rid of a bad egg.
First of all, you spell it MIGRAIN, and second of all, a MIGRAINE is a Very Bad Headache.Usually they last a longer amount of time than a regular headache, and they are very painful.
You should try to set something up with your doctor in advance. Er and urgent care will make you wait.
I wouldn't have thought so. Exercise will get your blood moving faster, and may make the migrain worse. The best thing to do is rest/sleep in a darkened room.
The best way to get rid of a bad egg is if you have 2 ds's, another ds Pokemon game that you hate and trade the bad egg to that game and there you have it. This is the best way to get rid of a bad egg and P.S. you cannot give a poke'mon an egg.
It is very bad!!
I also get frequent headaches, migrains as well. I use exedrin migrain as soon as the headache or migrain starts. Seems to help me, if your migrains keep getting you down I would get to a doctor ASAP.