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to enable to get rid of a bad cold make sure you at getting more rest than normal also make sure you are eating vitamin c if you don't like eating Oranges with have vitamin c in them then take vitamin c tables you can also take zinc tablets with you can look at on this website

however remember to drink plenty of water or i have been told you can drink energy drinks and make sure you go to the toilet alot,think of it as flashing out your insides.if you find your cold to much to handle go to your doctors.

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Q: How do you get rid of a bad cold?
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No. Getting out in the sun may help get rid of a cold, but running or any physical exercise is contraindicated (not good) when you have a cold. Your body needs rest to do the work to get rid of your cold, so you should avoid strenuous exercise like running if you want to get rid of a cold faster.

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Can you get rid of cold sores by burning them?

No you can not.

Can you inhale Lysol to get rid of a cold?

No you will die and then the cold will die with you. Don't do it!

How long do you have to wait to get rid of a cold?

The regular cold usually last about a week.

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