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It is almost impossible to get out of a lie without the person you lied to finding out that you lied. It is far better to admit to the person that you lied, ask for forgiveness, and deal with the consequences.

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Q: How do you get out of a lie without the person you lied to finding out you lied?
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The past of lie?

The past tense of "lie" is "lied." For example, "She lied about her whereabouts last night."

What is the present perfect tense of lie as in to not tell the truth?

The present perfect tense of "lie" as in to not tell the truth is "have lied."

What is the past tense of lied?

Lied is the past tense of lie.

What do you do if you lied to a person that you like?

Confess to your lie, any healthy relationship is based on truthfulness and trust

What is the past perfect tense of lie in a sentence?

The past perfect tense of "lie" in a sentence is "had lied." For example, "She had lied about her whereabouts."

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He never lied, did he?

What if someone lied to get on a jury?

That person could be sued and depending on the importance of the lie, he may be taken to prison.

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Charges can be filed. To lie to the police is perjury and giving false information to them.

How do you correct a lie that humiliated someone else?

If you are the person who told the lie, it is up to you to correct it. First, by admitting your wrong-doing to the person you told the lie about and making a sincere apology. Second, tell the person you told the lie to in the first place, that YOU told a lie. Beyond that, you would need to try and tell everyone you think may have heard the lie, although that may be a difficult task. Third, make amends. Without knowing whether the person who was lied about was someone you know, a friend or family member, or whether you didn't know the person, it is hard to give advice on how to make amends. It also depends on what kind and how big a lie it was. Lies of any kind are hurtful. Anyone who has been lied about knows the feeling of helplessness and betrayal that is felt.

What is the past particle of lie?

Lied is the past form of lie.

What did Draco lie about to Bellatrix?

Bellatrix asked if the person they caught was Harry Potter. Draco knew who it was but he lied and said no.

Is he lied to you the correct way to spell it?

No, the correct way to spell it is "He lied to you." "Lied" is the past tense of the verb "to lie" (not telling the truth).