You must be at least 18 to have a boyfriend on the net. It is because they don't allow under 18 persons to register to these sites.
how do you what a 12 year old boyfriend snog / kiss
No,because no 11-12 year-old needs a dating site or even a boyfriend because then you will not pay attetion to your schoolwork because you are to worried about going home and talking to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
just simply ask her if she would ever give you a chance for you to be her boyfriend and go on from there
Yes! That is okay because when you grow up and get married there might be a big difference in your husband's age and your age
A 12 year old girl is kind of young to have a boyfriend. It would be better 12 year old boys and girls work on just being friends first, until they are a bit older.
Okay if you wanna date a ten year old guy you must be very young too. So at least wait until your 11 or 12.
The appropriate age is 10 11 12
you can be 11 or 12 to start getting a boyfriend anytime you want to date first ask your parents
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