A 12 year old girl is kind of young to have a boyfriend. It would be better 12 year old boys and girls work on just being friends first, until they are a bit older.
No. because I am 12. and my boyfriend is 15. he is sweet and we are in love.
how do you what a 12 year old boyfriend snog / kiss
no younger then 12 and no older than 17.
yes im 12 and my boyfriend does that to me its so nice and it makes me feel loved
It's a little too young yes but I know I had one when I was 12
At least a conversation. (about?)
just simply ask her if she would ever give you a chance for you to be her boyfriend and go on from there
12 years old is to young to have a boyfriend, it is ok to have firends who are boys but dating is very complicated and young boys are kinda dumb when it comes to girls anyway.
When your boyfriend leans in and you have a strong relationship going on.
Well you gotta be brave and confident remember you don't need a boyfriend to show the world anything as long as your happy that's what matters.
The average height for a 12 year old is 4'11" or 5'0".