when using procaine in the process use half of what ever amount of cane.the half of mix should be 1/4 soda n 1/4 pro wait until da coke has liquified or melted down
then add da mix continue regular process be caareful not to use to much pro it wont lock up....out
Procaine is not illegal. It is used as a topical anesthetic. If you're referring to its like cocaine, it won't have the same effect. This is because although procaine is derrived from cocaine, it is modified in a such a way to prevent abuse.
Yes it can and very often it does get mixed with procaine, benzocaine, lidocaine, etc. It;s pften cut with these agents because they also have the ability to be freebased, and the have similar numbing properties.
No, cocaine does not turn orange when it comes into contact with bleach. Mixing cocaine with bleach can be dangerous and is not recommended. It can produce toxic fumes and can result in serious health risks.
Cocaine is an illegal drug save for medical purposes in many countries.
Either heroin, or cocaine.
that means you cook crack cocaine
as opposed to amphetamines the cocaine drug test is specific for cocaine. the only other substances that i am aware of that cross react with the cocaine assay are substances in the lidocaine / buvicaine family...you know local anesthetics....so if you are doing cocaine regularly and have a drug test coming up your options are: 1. stop using cocaine for at least 4 days prior to testing 2. get a product to beat the drug test (easily found over the internet or smoke shops) 3. set up a dental appointment and ask for local anesthetic, then if you fail your drug test you can simply say it crossed reacted with the dental procedure. you will also have verification that the local anesthetic was given. - drug doc
what is the dose for penicillin g procaine for a dog
Try your local coke dealer. His coke is probably 60 to 80% procaine.
some websites suggest that you can crush up some types of pills and cook them like the cocaine. They call it ghetto crack.