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Q: Can you cook procaine like cocaine and will it come back?
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How do you cook cocaine with procaine?

when using procaine in the process use half of what ever amount of cane.the half of mix should be 1/4 soda n 1/4 pro wait until da coke has liquified or melted down then add da mix continue regular process be caareful not to use to much pro it wont lock up....out

What is David Cook's latest single?

I believe it is "Come back to me"

The right way to cook 3.5 grams of cocaine to convert to crack cocaine?

Cocaine is an illegal drug save for medical purposes in many countries.

What drug do you cook in a spoon?

Either heroin, or cocaine.

Can u cook cocaine without baking soda?


What does water whipping mean?

that means you cook crack cocaine

Substitute of crack cocaine?

some websites suggest that you can crush up some types of pills and cook them like the cocaine. They call it ghetto crack.

What do they cut cocaine with so it will not cook into crack?

actually they cut the crack up because cocaine is already in a powder and crack is more of a rock i guess you can say, but they use a razor blade

How do you remove crack cocaine?

how do you use vinegar to get crack out of your system

Is cocaine used with a spoon?

No. You use a crack pipe to smoke rock cocaine. A spoon is used for substances you inject. Heroin comes directly to the minds of most people, but the spoon is very versatile. You can inject and use a spoon for cocaine, but not for his brother crack. Actually a spoon is used for many that cook cocaine into it's crack form. It cooks out most of the cut used in cocaine and leaves a rock if done correctly.

What is the music video where the final scene is at the airport and the video plays backwards and the man has to let his girlfriend go?

Come Back to Me by David Cook

How do you spell cocine?

The Spanish term "cocine "is a subjunctive form of "I cook." The kitchen is la cocina, and a chef or cook is cocinero/cocinera from the verb cocinar.The likely English word is cocaine, an alkaloid narcotic.