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People with anemia take medicine just like anyone else.

People with anemia do not have enough red blood cells. There can be many different causes. If you say, "I feel sick," I have no idea what disease you might have. You have given me very little information.

Anemia can have several causes. To produce red blood cells a person needs iron.

First, a person might not have iron in his or her diet. Iron comes in meat and green vegetables. A diet consisting of starches is not likely to have adequate iron. That could cause anemia. A vitamin containing iron could solve the problem.

The problem could come from the liver. Once food is digested, it goes to the liver. Your liver controls the amount of iron in your blood. If your liver is not working correctly, then it will not keep the proper amount of iron in your blood to make red blood cells. Three major reasons will prevent the liver from performing its function of controlling the iron in your blood stream. They are disease, fat (a fatty liver), and alcohol. People with anemia (and a few other diseases) will need to cut way back on fat and alcohol.

That said, it may become necessary for people with anemia to take medicine through injections. That would bypass a bad liver.

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Yes Anemia can b treated very easily.there are many medicine 2 treat Anemia. 1st of all Anemia is of 2 types. 1. Microcytic anemia 2. Macrocytic anemia most of the people had iron deficiency anemia or folic acid anemia which is treated easily.u can take certain iron or or folic acid tablets available in the markets.

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