Most people who have anemia do not feel cold. Most people who feel cold do not have anemia. In fact, I'm not sure there is really much correlation between the two.
low blood pressure Anemia, poor circulation.
Yes. This is because the blood from Pernicious Anemia is much thinner, and so you can feel the cold much more.
Well my butt definitely does not stay cold all the time. Maybe you should get that checked out at the doctor or something...........
There are 3 types of Livestock anemia. Infectious anemia, Nutrition anemia, and bovine anemia. Bovine anemia is found mostly in cows.
Seek shelter, preferably with working heat. Dress in layers covering all exposed skin. Consume hot beverages and avoid alcohol. Stay dry. Perform repetitive physical activity when extremities feel cold.
Why does a diabetic stay cold all the time
one interesting fact about anmiea is some people chew ice and get all gittery
Anemia. Stomach flu. Cold-headache, sore muscles, achy Death. All sorts of non-fun feelings.
All snakes( including boas) are cold blooded.that is why they bathe in the sun most of the time,to stay warm.
Anemia is a generic term referring to "inadequate oxygen capacity in the blood"; anemia can be caused by anything from excessive blood loss to parasites on the red blood cells to inadequate red blood cell formation in the bone marrow. Hemophilia is a more specific term referring to "inadequate blood clotting capacity"; there are multiple types of hemophilia but they are all bleeding disorders. It is very common for people with hemophilia to develop anemia. However, very few people who have anemia also have hemophilia.
i lived in England and all i can remember was the robin!