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Horrible isn't it?

My parents loved each other to bits but fought and argued all the time. I'm sure someone has a complicated explanation for that but the fact is that fighting parents hurt and make you afraid.

I don't recommend trying to act a go-between or mediator. It just wont work. I dont doubt they love you but if they have lost so much respect for each other as to argue in front of you then you wont get far.

(I got kicked across the room for it once. I was 4. My dad's contrition was enough to convince me it was an accident but the message was clear : Don't interfere)

Suggestion only because we are all different :

Wait for a lull in the battle. Hug them one at a time and tell them you love them.

Then add : 'Please try not to kill each other.'

If you get reproved for being cheeky/impertinent/out-of-line then just add that you are entitled to fight for the things you love as well.

Their love for you (and yours for them) is hard-wired. Its not an option. No matter their feeling for each other, you the one thing they will certainly sacrifice everthing for.

As I said, this is a suggestion only. You know the territory much better and what might and might not work. Just remind them of what is really important and who they are hurting.

Good luck

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Q: How can you get your parents to make up after a fight?
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