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Call you gynecologist or go to the local clinic. It might either be a resistant strain that requires a prescription strength medicine or it might not really be a yeast infection. It could easily be a bacterial infection with similar symptoms - if this is the case the yeast infection medications could make it worse. A doctor will be able to figure out what is causing the problem. Do not let it go untreated. It could get worse and even cause some serious health problems.

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Q: How can you get rid of a yeast infection when the creams don't work?
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How can a yeast infection get treated?

This is posted in men's health. Men can get yeast infections, but they are more common in women. Generally, your doctor will prescribe a topical cream that is very effective. There are oral medications if that does not work. Over-the-counter creams are available in most countries, but a doctor's advice is useful to verify that you do have a yeast infection and whether there is an underlying cause that should be adressed.

Can ketozal topical cream be used for vaginal yeast infection?

well i have ketozal topical cream and it is use to treat penis ringworm and male yeast infection,and male yeast infection is different from woman so i dont think it will work

How long does it take mycosyst 150mg to work on vaginal yeast infection?

Mycosyst 150mg should begin to work on getting rid of a vaginal yeast infection within the first day of use. There are many factors in determining how long it will take to completely get rid of the yeast infection. Mycosyst should be used for the entire length of time that your doctor has prescribed for you, even if you feel the yeast infection has gone away.

How do you get rid of a yeast infection over night?

To get rid of a yeast infection overnight you can purchase Monistat over the counter. The one day Monistat is pricey, but will work if used properly.

Can ketoconazole treat yeast infection?

No it will not work , you must insert a candid tablet in the vagina.

Does otc treatment cure yeast infections?

Yes, over-the-counter yeast infection treatments do cure/treat yeast infections - that's why they're sold! Just make sure that you follow the instructions and if you find it doesn't work it's a good idea to see your doctor to confirm it is just a yeast infection and maybe get a different stronger treatment.

How do ou get rid of a yeast infection?

I am assuming you mean a vaginal yeast infection. You can eat yogurt containing live bacteria or take probiotic supplements, which are multiple times the potency. You can use any one of several over the counter products such as Monsistat. You should avoid antibiotics and douching as much as possible. If those things do not work you should see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis as other problems can feel like a yeast infection.

Does acidophilus cures yeast infection?

Yes, but acidophilus is only half the answer to curing a yeast infection. Acidophilus is the "good bacterial" that helps fight the "bad bacterial" otherwise known as yeast. In order to maximize the benefit of acidophilus for curing yeast infections, it's important to also eliminate sugar from the diet. Yeast feeds off of sugar (such as breads, cakes, candy, sugar enriched products) therefore, acidophilus can only fix half the problem of a yeast infection. Cutting out or at least reducing sugar will fix the other half of the problem. Acidophilus does take some time to work, so be patient.

Do Dr Perricone creams do what he claims?

Is Dr Perricones anti aging creams really work

What is the best prescription cream for ringworm?

Ring"worm" is actually a fungal infection, so creams containing clotrimazole or miconazole should be good; there are several over-the-counter antifungal creams for treatment of ringworm/athlete's foot/jock itch (which are all caused by essentially the same group of organisms). If those don't work, see a physician.

Will giving a pug yogurt help with a yeast ear infection?

If your pug has a yeast ear infection you need to take it to the vet for antibiotics and medicated ear drops. It is sometimes recommended as an additional home remedy for human babies with thrush in their mouths, but I would not suggest this at all for pugs. You need to take your pug to the doctor!-Yogurt will help a yeast infection. Antibiotics will only work and be needed if there is a bacterial infection. Chronic ear infections in pugs (I have 2) are usually actually an allergy to the grains in their food which is also something to explore with your vet. We do grain free food and yogurt everyday.-

What are some cream to use for yeast infections?

Most often a yeast infection is treated with an antifungal cream. The most common are OTC and are brands such as monistat or vagisil. Prescription strength antifungals used to treat an infection on the outer part of the groin or vaginal area and is called Nystatin. These creams are not to be used inside your vagina. You must read the instructions carefully to determine if it meets your personal needs.