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I am assuming you mean a vaginal yeast infection.

You can eat yogurt containing live bacteria or take probiotic supplements, which are multiple times the potency.

You can use any one of several over the counter products such as Monsistat.

You should avoid antibiotics and douching as much as possible.

If those things do not work you should see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis as other problems can feel like a yeast infection.

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Q: How do ou get rid of a yeast infection?
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What will get rid of a yeast infection?

Eat yogurt

How do you get rid of a yeast infection over night?

To get rid of a yeast infection overnight you can purchase Monistat over the counter. The one day Monistat is pricey, but will work if used properly.

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Wearing tight jeans can cause a yeast infection. Also make sure you are wiping correctly. Eating yogurt will help get rid of the yeast infection faster.

How do you get rid of your yeast infection if you had it for a while?

You need to go to the doctor or the clinic

Can a penicillin shot cause a yeast infection?

Yes, so call your doc and get a prescription for Diflucan... it will rid the infection or you can go to the pharmacy for over the counter yeast infection remedies.

How long does it take mycosyst 150mg to work on vaginal yeast infection?

Mycosyst 150mg should begin to work on getting rid of a vaginal yeast infection within the first day of use. There are many factors in determining how long it will take to completely get rid of the yeast infection. Mycosyst should be used for the entire length of time that your doctor has prescribed for you, even if you feel the yeast infection has gone away.

If you have an yeast infection how long would you have a white discharge for?

You always have white discharge. But you can get medicine at a pharmacy that will get rid of your infection.

How do you get rid of a yeast infection at 16 years old?

Go and get an antifungal medication from your doctor.

What can you take to get rid of a yeast infection?

there are things you can buy at drug stores<or simple solution (doctors)

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection that is healing?

For some good resources to help you with the issue of dealing with yeast infection,symptoms,natural treatments and how to rid yourself of it totally check out

How long do you get rid of yeast infection if you drink cranberry juice?

Cranberry juice is for a urinary tract infection (recent studies show this may not really have an effect.) For a yeast infection you need to get medication, Monostat is an over the counter cure.

How can you get rid of a yeast infection at home?

It will pass by itself after about 2 weeks or you can get over the counter medicine.Additional information:How_do_you_cure_yeast_infection_at_home