tell them that you are ticklish and that you hate people tickling you
trust me i get it all the time
Next time you are alone with them, put a movie on and sit at the other end of the couch to him/her. Put your feet in their lap and ask for a foot rub. React in a ticklish way every so often, but do not remove your feet, just chuckle or twitch a bit.
If s/he apologises immediately say "That's OK. I actually really liked that."
Job done. And you haven't had to bring it up "out of the blue".
You can only tickle toddlers and babies. Click on them, and select Tickle.
people will tickle other people to get answers because some people can't stand being tickled
When two people try to tickle each other and make them laugh
To Get Hard
a state with people that try to tickle you.
because their feet is a weak spot.if u couldn't tickle people,when u try to tickle them it would hurt.
you tickle them or do something funny
Tickle each other!
tickle them
yes very
sometimes people will tickle you if you do something noughty like: push them, throw something at them, or even tickling them will make them want to tickle you sometimes.