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Everyone is different. There is no such thing as a perfect body or person. You need to embrace your body because you only have one for your hole life. You can always change your body by taking good care of it and exercising and watching what you eat, but the best way is to have your sunny side up and people will love you. Who cares if you are fat or skinny are your own person and different from others. So forget the barbie doll girls who are obsessed with themselves and be who you are. People will like you way better for not trying to be someone else. You're beautiful and DONT need to change or hurt yourself for being something you're not. So fun up buttercup and enjoy life!!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

There are a variety of ways to improve your body. Sit ups,lifting weights and doing planks are what I do to try to lose weight and keep toned. Eating less carbs can help too. What I just found out recently is having green tea and taking vinegar shots help lose weight. If you want more ideas you can email me at

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