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show her some moves, e.g. stripping, oral, fingering...

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Q: How can you convince your wife sex is not nasty?
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Related questions

What is nasty sex?

there is really no such term as nasty sex.its just sex.

How do you convince a women for sex who lives in your house?

it depends on what relationship she shares with you. (e.i. Wife, Sister-in-law, etc.)

Why does the husband like the wife to talk nasty and not himself?

it turns him on... and if the wife wants him to talk nasty then tell him

How do convince someone that you're a spy?

Have sex with them

He made all his plans to go back with his wife but didnt tell you i had to draw this out of him on the phone then got nasty when you would not continue to keep in contact whyhe was still phoning me?

He liked the sex. He's trying to have you and his wife at the same time.

Is it good to have group sex?

I am not quite sure what you mean with "good"... Most religions would agree that there should be certain restrictions to sex (usually: that sex should be between a man and his wife). On the other hand, having several sex partners, or changing sex partners often, is dangerous, since you can catch some nasty diseases.

Can you use convince in a sentence?

His wife said to him to try to convince his boss to give him a pay raise.

Can you wife say no to sex to her husband?

Yes, a wife can refuse sex to her husband. If the husband were to force his wife to have sex it is rape.

How can you convince your wife you won't have another affair?

Stay faithful

How can you convince your wife to do a gangbang?

How do you convince anyone o do anything. WIIFM - or What's In It For Me applies. Find out what her hot button is and explain how she will be rewarded with that.

Does a husband have the right to demand sex from his wife?

no because if the wife doesn't want to have sex, it can be classed as rape

If you allow your wife to make sex with other men?

if i allow my wife to make sex with other men