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it depends. if you eat a whole bunch of unhealthy food and just excercise a little then no. if you try to eat more healthy food than unhealthy and you excercise a lot then yes it probably does.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Excercise helps to prevent obesity because you are burning off the fat when you go for a walk, run 3km and not watching TV and getting outside alot more.

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13y ago

it takes away calories. if you eat a 600 calorie burger than hop on an eliptical and burn 200 calories your down to 400 calories

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12y ago

it can prevent obesity because of the intensity of of the exercise can loss a lot of calories.

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Q: How can strengthening excercises prevent obesity?
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How can strengthening prevent obesity?

just simply exercise every day

How can strengthening endurance exercises prevent obesity?

Strengthening endurance exercises prevent obesity in various ways. They tone the muscles and get rid of the excess fat. The metabolism is also enhanced and thus eliminating chances of gaining excessive weight.

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Spondylitis, in the case of Ankylosing Spondylitis, can be somewhat prevented by swimming and spine movement excercises. Going to a Physical Therapist can be beneficial in that excercises are taught and maintained, that help with spinal movement and muscle strengthening. Swimming helps because it suspends you and allows you to move with more freedom.

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What prevents obesity from happening?

Monitor weight gain from daily activities here to prevent obesity from happening.

Where can I find out more about obesity?

You can find information about obesity and how to prevent or overcome it in most libraries or on the internet. There are sites that discuss the definition, treatment, and recommendations for obesity such as this one

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How much money does the country spend to prevent obesity?

Not Enough, obviously.

Does being athletic prevent obesity?

it does help , but you have to mind your diet too ! :)

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strengthening the economies of European nations.

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What can a school do to prevent obesity?

They can remove vending machines and also change lunch meals