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Q: How can someone be evil because of rejection?
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How can somone be evil because of rejection?

Because they are full of pain from the loss and they cant have what matters the most to them, so they compensate with negativity.Best example in literature, Ebenezer Scrooge.

Is there a psychological term for only being attracted to someone because of the fact that they're attracted to you?

Fear of rejection

What is a word for someone who is scared of rejection?

"Insecure" could fit.

What is the fear of rejection?

the ffear of rejection is the fear of someone telling you no such as when a boy or girl saying no i dont want to go out with you, therefore you have been rejected and some boys/girls dont ask a boy/girl out because they are afraid of being rejected

What does the murder of banquo suggest about the effects of evil on evildoers?

The murder of Banquo suggests that just because someone is evil doesn't mean they are going to get away with it. Also, those that are evil will generally get punished for it.

How do you deal with your rejection?

You just get over it, and go out looking for someone new.

How can someone be completely evil when everyone in some way or another has good or positive emotions?

because probally that person got hurt in the past or its just born evil

Why is nat wolf afraid to tell rosalina that he loves her?

Nat Wolff was most likely afraid to tell Rosalina because he was afraid of rejection. And is not just Nat Wolff, alot of people are afraid of rejection. But if you're ever afraid of rejection, then don't jump into asking someone out, just hang out in groups or as friends, until you feel comfortable asking them.

Why would someone lie about liking you?

because they are afraid of rejection... they also might be afraid of what there friends might think... dont worry... if he really does like you then everything will work out

What does it mean when someone calls you evil?

They think you're evil... not nice, not an angel.. Evil refers to the devil...

Is evil a concrete noun?

Yes, evil is considered a concrete noun because it represents a tangible concept that can be perceived through actions, behaviors, or events.

Why does someone get evil thoughts to hurt others?

One gets evil thougths when one's ego is hurt towards a thing which he or she thinks he or she is pefect at or someone else gets something that you badly wanted.If first one is your case then understand most important rule which resulted in formation of this great universe "Nothing that exists is perfect and everthing that is perfect dosen't exists."If the second is the case then believe " 'No' dosent means rejection it means 'Next Opportunity'".