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Exercise, eat your vegetables, and Vitomamentos (Vitamins) and eat healthy food! Also eat in moderation!

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Q: How can an individual acheieve good health?
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How far is good health is responsibility of individual?

For children the responsibility is placed on the adults that come into contact with them on a daily basis, usually parents and teachers. As for adults, that is the responsibility of the individual themselves.

Good health is responsibility of individual?

Good health is hard to define. Mostly, we measure ill-health or death rates.However, it can be contended that health is partly and individual responsibility: individuals can choose whether to follow healthy lifestyles, for example, or whether to participate in high-risk activities (I was initially thinking of sports, but unprotected sex comes into this category too).However, good health is also a societal responsibility: developed societies usually have both public health provision (drinking water supply, sewage systems, refuse disposal, etc.) AND healthcare systems. These systems contribute hugely to good health.The reasons for this are complex, but originate in the notion of healthy workforces and armies and (later) in the idea that it is the state's duty to care for its citizens.

Can the family affect the health of an individual?

it depends what the health condition is