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Q: How can a person live a healthy life?
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A person with tay sachs can live a healthy life but still battles the many limitations of Tay sachs disease. Depending on the type of tay sachs, Classic, Juvenile onset, and Late Onset depends how healthy a life a person with tay sachs disease.

What does the healthy life expectancy refers to a person?

The term means how long a person might live if all goes well.

What is greatest achievement being gay?

The greatest achievement of any gay person is to live a happy, healthy life.

What are the advantage of being a healthy person?

live longer happy life self esteem confidence better jobs

How do live a long life?

live happy and healthy

How long do people with neurofibromatosis live?

As it is one of the most varied genetic disorders person to person, you can never say. How ever alot of people live a long and healthy life with nf, as i have :)

Why do people live longer than others?

Many people have different lifestyles. For example, a fat person's life would usually be shorter than a thin and healthy person life.

Who has a better life?

Well, nobody does have a perfect life. But if you live healthy and live your life like it is your last, then you can call it a 'Nice Life' to live.

How long a man can live?

If you live a healthy life, you can live up to 100!

How can you a healthy lifestyle?

Being healthy and fit isn't a prevailing trend or pattern. Rather, it's a way of life". A healthy way of life is the thing that each family and individual tries to adopt. Everybody needs to stay fit and healthy and live on with a long life, but simply wishing to live with a healthy life doesn't have any effect.

Why do you get fit?

To be healthy and live your life the RIGHT way!

How can malnourishment be prevented?

Start by using postivite influlences in the person's life especially about their bodies. Also include a well blanced diet filled with healthy food always talk with the person how good it is to be healthy and for them to try to really care about what goes in their mouths but for them not to worry to much about it jsut live life and be happy