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Q: How can a mouth be wet and throat be dry?
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Your throat feels dry but you have lots of saliva?

The throat may feel dry and the mouth have a lot of saliva because of a condition called the dry mouth. This is usually caused when someone is under deep depression or stress. The condition is treatable.

Keep your mouth wet feet dry?

help! i need to know the answer

Can to much saliva dry your mouth?

if you drink it it wont wet ur mouth so yes and noo

Why do you get a soar throat when you sleep with a fan on?

well you get a soar throat because the fan makes your throat dry even though you may be sleeping with your mouth closed.

Why does gum stick to your shoes but not your teeth?

because your mouth is wet and your face is dry. When gum is wet it losses stick

What are the symptoms of botulism?

Dry mouth, vomiting , sore throat, impaired vision, dizziness, paralysis.

How do you decide cold is due to excess of heat or cold?

If your nose is dry and your throat dry and sore it is heat, if you nose is dripping and wet then it's the cold.

Is water good for singing?

Yes, it keeps the throat and mouth from being dry. It is especially good for singing in the shower.

Which animal group do the mudskipper belongs to?

Mudskippers are fish. They can breathe air through their skin, mouth and throat, provided these are kept wet.

Can asthma cause your throat to burn when running?

no that is because your mouth breathing and your throat is being dried out especially in cold weather when the air is dry. It is always best to breath in threw your nose and out your mouth. Nose does a much better job warming and humidifying the air than the mouth.

What is wet but is not wet but is dry but is not dry?

Something that is damp or emptiness. These two things are not wet or dry.

What is wet and dry cut of hair?

Wet they cut wet after shampoo-dry they cut it dry