Wait until you're developed and then try yoga or workouts for your abs.
depends on the girl
That is a matter of opinion, my opinion is if a girl has a nice toned stomach yes it looks really hot! If a girl is not skinny and toned there is honestly no reason in a navel piercing because nobody will want to see it. i think it dont look rite on every body a belly button ring looks absolutely sexy (or cute) on a girl!!! If you don't believe me look up pictures! It looks sweat!
Well maybe you could try dating programs or clubs or even start your own. You could also sign up to night clubs and go to parties. If none of these work then maybe toned and fit ladies are your type you may think it but maybe they are not. You will just have to wait for the girl to walk past you!
The best way for a young girl to lose weight and get a flat stomach is by eating healthy and remaining active. Exercise like running, bicycling and playing sports will help tone the body.
Look under it, if it's lower stomach is flat, girl, if it's lower stomach has balls, it is a guy. Also, if it lifts it's leg when it pees it is a guy, if it crouches down in a hover like way, then it is a girl. Hope this helps. :)
crunchies for the stomach and for the theighs i would ummm probubly run and ummmm do step ups every night till may and you will be amazing!!
The duration of The Girl in the Flat is 1.08 hours.
The Girl in the Flat was created in 1934-06.
The Way to a Girl's Heart Is Through Her Boyfriend's Stomach was created in 1999.
If you want a girl to sit on your stomach i guess you can just ask her too although it helps if its a girl you are close with considering its a odd request.
There are many guys that would like a flat chested girl that is confident.