

How bad is inhaling hairspray?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Any foreign substance can be dangerous when inhaled in large amounts. Our body have defence mechanisms to help protect the lungs against that kind of debris. The little hair in our noses is there to filter the air we breath in (we should breath in our noses all the time). The snot in the nose and mucus in the lungs is there to catch the debris that gets past the nose hair. Much like fly paper. Then we cough it up or sneeze it out.

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Q: How bad is inhaling hairspray?
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Yes! I wouldn't go inhaling it straight from the can :-) but using it on your hair will be fine! I've had 2 perfectly healthy kids & hairspray didnt affect them.

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yes, because your hair will look like crap. It's not "bad" to use hairspray on wet hair, it just won't work as well. Hairspray is meant to be used on dry hair.

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no, it's bad for the enrironment.

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Make sure that the hairspray doesn't contain any very bad ingredients for your hair.

Is hairspray bad for you hair?

Hairspray doesnt exactly damage it it makes it flamable and very dirty and greasy so make sure after using hairspray to wash your hair and also hairspray damages the ozone layer so if you are "green" that's not for you(:

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yes it is bad for your health

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i dont think its bad if you use it on them....but if they eat it or put it in their eyes then obviously it's bad for them

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ummm... YES!! the only thing you SHOULD be inhaling is AIR! not smarties or smoke or what ever > >