they have big vaginas and black guys have big penises
of course they do! rugby players are dead hot (:
Who wouldn't. Rock chicks are just hot and have a great taste in music and another plus is I love the look some of them have like the leather jacket and jeans
In my opinion I kinda think they like it when girls smile with their lips . I'm a girl myself and mostly smile with my lips! Maybe they like it with lips , kind of looks for innocent and cool. Coming from a guy, that is exactly what most guys like. it looks kinda cheesy wiht lots of teeth, its okay for a hint of teeth, but lips are like she said "innocent and cool"
No vegetarian chicks don't like meat.
Most guys prefer shapely woman who are at least a healthy weight. Everyone is different though ( some guys like fat chicks)
I'm a girl And personally I don't like it when guys are like hairy mamoths. Personal opinion but it's gross! I'm not hairy as a for either
cute guys of course
just ask them if they want to-(no offense) but most of us guys dont like ugly chicks
Who said hot guys don't like fat chicks? This question is silly because there are plenty of bigger girls with hot boyfriends just like there's lots of ugly men with hot chicks. Luckily in this world there are people who DONT date by dress size or how well your face fits in. How about..... Why do hot guys likes girls who have the body of a 12 year old boy? Its not fair to ask either question because theres no proof that either question is true. Theres someone for everyone.
Guys like makeup better because it makes you look better than your true self that is what all guys look for if you are least some due hope this helps:)
That would depend on which of the two guys you like better.