If his sister wants to meet you it is just a sign that she wants to know what kind of person her brother is dating.
it means she wants to have coffee :)
It means he wants to meet your brother. Why try to read something into it, perhaps he just wants more friends.
He probably wants to surprise you.
It means she wants you to meet her family. She likes you, and she wants them to get to know you. That's all it means. Sometimes, of course, it means the family has demanded to meet you. If you think there is some other hidden meaning, ask her.
If she does say this lock her in a room somehow. The answer is she wants you to be in trouble.
It means that he wants to meet you and wants to take it slow...SO DONT PUSH IT!!!
She is not mean. She wants to help you, and because she is older, probably has more wisdom.
Before you agree to meet him, find out what type of "job" it is that he wants to offer you. Maybe he is just playing with you. Maybe it could be that he or someone he knows really wants to offer you some type of employment. Maybe he justs wants to see you. Find out what he wants before you agree to meet him.
That hes serious and really likes you!
His love for you is not sexual. He wants your relationship to be platonic.
Maybe it means he wants to hang out with you some more. Or he just likes Coffee... Either Way... :-)
It probably means that he wants to have sex with you.